Cashless payment solutions for education campuses

Supporting education and innovation

sQuid's advanced cashless payment platform for education enables Schools to effortlessly go cashless. Features include: secure online payments, trips management, parent communications and powerful fund management.

Using a combination of sophisticated management modules that integrate seamlessly, the secure platform removes the burden of handling cash and cheque payments, provides an efficient way to manage trips and an advanced communications tool to interact with parents.

Cost-effective solutions for schools, colleges and universities

sQuid provides a range of cashless payment solutions that significantly reduce cash-handling costs and streamline administration time.

Trips & Offers

Easily manage School Trips, School Clubs or any other type of event using this intuitive module for School Administrators. Parents can view all of the information associated to the trip or event, give consent, pay in full or in a series of instalments.


Take the stress out of creating and managing booking slots for school clubs, activities and events. Feature-rich tools such as cloning existing bookings, waiting list manager and the bookings capacity scheduler to ensure your clubs are never over-subscribed.

Parent engagement

Keep the school community connected and engaged by sending personalised texts, emails or printed letters to communicate with parents, staff or students.

Digital Wallets

sQuid makes it easy and convenient for parents and guardians to pay for education payments with separate digital wallets for catering, school trips & offers, tuck shop, uniform, transport and more.

Who we work with…


Schools say...

We’ve seen a huge improvement!

We were looking for a payment solution that would bring our processes together. As a result of working with sQuid, the school has enjoyed a substantial increase in online payments and thus a significant improvement in income … We’ve seen a huge improvement in accuracy and reduced administrative time - it’s a more reliable solution that makes the finance department’s working day easier.

Head of Finance, Independent School, Leeds

I would recommend sQuid to anyone!

We became a cashless school a few years ago and find sQuid invaluable. Parents seem to find sQuid easy to navigate and it means we have no missing payments, and the system makes it easy to chase those parents who have not paid for offers. We utilise the system not only to receive payments but to gather consent information for trips, order uniform, to sign up for sporting events and clubs and to pay for wrap-around care. It has saved a good deal of admin time recording payments, as the system allows us to run reports. I would recommend sQuid to any school looking to become cashless.

School Business Manager, Primary School, London

Thank you for making my job 10 times easier!

Gary was so super helpful! All documents and information I asked for, he provided, even completing the task for me, when I could easily have done it myself, but he kindly offered.

School Administrator, Secondary School, London

Parents say...

We have a result!

This is the way forward, thank you. So I’ve been on, it’s actually really easy to use. Especially if payments are being made weekly. I added a week’s worth of meals and care, then a week’s worth of sessions to my basket with no problem at all.

Parent, Primary School, Nottinghamshire

Tech query resolved in 5 minutes!

I raised a tech query with customer service via email. To my surprise, I received a response and the tech query was resolved within 5 minutes (yes, 5 minutes). Based on that experience, I can only recommend sQuid.

Parent, Secondary School, Nottinghamshire